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2012 2nd Consecutive Award For Highest Enrollment In Entire West Zone.
2015 5th Consecutive Award For Highest Enrollment In Entire West Zone.

Proving Eurokids Satellite A Most Trust Worthy Centre
2012 2nd Consecutive Award For Highest Enrollment In Entire West Zone.
Pre-School Education:
             An overview


How do Pre-schools help?

Pre SchoolThe positive effects of a good pre-school education are evident as early as age 15. Studies indicate that teenagers who attended pre-school have a better rate of advancing in each class than those who didn't also, pre-school educated students were twice as likely to enroll for higher education.

These comparisons continue into adulthood, as research has proven that children with pre-school background become more motivated adults with an increased desire to learn new things and the capacity to enjoy better health.

Primary school readiness is another important factor to consider. With an Ever-increasing number of children entering primary school each year and many class sizes getting larger, it's nearly impossible for the teachers and schools in general to tend to the individual, educational and social needs of every child Primary teachers have reported that students who attended pre-school are more equipped than students who haven't. Children who've attended pre-school tend to excel in the developmental areas of social skill, language, literacy, creativity and initiative. This goes to show the merits of sending your child to a pre-school, earlier the better!

Working in smaller groups enables pre-school teachers to adjust their activities and levels of instruction to fit the developmental stage of each child, with an emphasis on fun. A close relationship between parents and teachers based on daily reports and open communication builds a strong foundation. This helps their children navigate a positive course to and through elementary school and life.

Remember that learning in young children is the result of interaction between the child's thoughts and experiences with materials, ideas and people. These experiences should match the child's developmental abilities, while challenging the child's interest and understanding. This is exactly the mission at Eurokids Satellite from past 9 years.



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